9 March 2011

Library - Invitation to Focus Group Discussion

Dear Students,

Tell us what you think!

Library & Information Services would like to invite you to a focus group discussion in the Library to ensure your views contribute to our programme of continuous improvement.

If you would like to help and you are free from:
12:30 to 2:00pm on Tuesday 22 March (Undergraduates)
12:30 to 2:00pm on Wednesday 23 March (Postgraduates)

then please email library@aston.ac.uk to book a place. We will provide you with some light refreshments and an online book voucher.

Please include the following information with your reply:
1. Your name
2. Course of study
3. Year of study
4. Brief information about why you would like to be involved in the focus group

Once you have contacted us, we will confirm your booking via email by Monday 21st March.

We will allocate places on a first-come, first-served basis ensuring at the same time, that students from different courses of study, across different year groups, are all represented as much as possible. Please remember that your views are valuable to us in developing services that meet your needs and the needs of students at Aston in the coming years.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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